AKC color code: 007
Black Schnauzers are born with solid black bodies. Some Black Schnauzers do have some white on their chin, chest, and or tips of their toes. They have brown eyes that appear almost black, black pads, and a black nose.

Black & Silver Phantom
AKC color code: 016
Black & Silver Schnauzer's are born with solid black bodies and copper/bronze markings (which will turn a silvery white) on their eyebrows, muzzle, inside the ears, across the chest, down the legs, on the feet, and under the tail. They have brown eyes that appear almost black, black pads, and a black nose.
The word "phantom" is used to describe how bright the markings are at birth. Black & Silver Phantoms and Black & Silver Schnauzers are NOT 2 separate colors.

Salt & Pepper
AKC color code: 167
Salt & Pepper Schnauzers are born in a variety of shades from very dark to very light. Salt & Peppers (or silvers) have banded hairs of gray that always turn silver/gray as adults. They have brown eyes that appear almost black, black pads, and a black nose.

Salt & Pepper Parti
AKC color code: 167
Marking code: 038 Parti
Salt & Pepper Parti's are born with solid white bodies and have brown branded hairs (which turn silver). They have brown eyes that appear almost black, black pads, and a black nose.

Platinum Silver (not the same as white)
AKC color code: 167
Marking code: 038 Parti
There are many variations of Salt & Pepper. Platinum Silvers are the lightest shade of Salt & Pepper that you can find. They are born brown with black masks on their face. They also have dark banded hairs throughout their coats that will turn into an extremely light silver. They have brown eyes, black pads, and a black nose.

AKC color code: 199
White Schnauzers are born solid white. Their skin tone underneath their hair has a silver/black tint to it. They have brown eyes that appear almost black, black pads, and a black nose.

White Chocolate (chocolate version of a white)
AKC color code: 199
White Chocolate Schnauzers are born solid white and sometimes have a slight cream tone to them. Their skin tone underneath their hair is pink. They have green eyes, brown pads, and a brown nose.

Chocolate (chocolate and liver are the exact same thing)
AKC color code: 123
Chocolate (liver) Schnauzers are basically a brown version of a black schnauzer. Chocolate schnauzers are born with solid brown bodies. Some white on their chin, chest, or toes. They have green eyes, brown pads, and a brown nose.

Chocolate & Tan Phantom
AKC color code: 124
Chocolate & Tan Phantoms are born with brown bodies and cream/tan or even white markings on their eyebrows, muzzle, inside the ears, across the chest, down the legs on the feet and under the tail. They have green eyes, brown pads, and a brown nose.

Liver Pepper (chocolate version of the salt & pepper)
AKC color code: 498
Liver Peppers are born in a variety of shades from very dark to very light. Liver peppers have banded hairs of brown/chocolate as adults. The Liver Pepper color is not silver, it's more of a milk chocolate color. They have green eyes (that sometimes turn to caramel), brown pads, and a brown nose.

Liver Pepper Parti (chocolate version of the salt & pepper)
AKC color code: 498
Parti: 038
Liver Pepper Parti's are born with all white bodies and have very light chocolate spots. Their chocolate color will lighten up and will have a peppered look. They have green eyes (that sometimes turn to caramel), brown pads, and a brown nose.

Chocolate & Tan Parti
AKC color code: 124
Parti: 038
Chocolate & Tan Parti's are born with all white bodies and have chocolate spots. They also are born with cream/tan markings on their cheeks, eyebrows, under their tail and inside their ears. They have green eyes (that sometimes turn to caramel), brown pads, and a brown nose.

Chocolate Parti
AKC color code: 123
Parti: 038
Chocolate Parti's are born with all white bodies and have chocolate spots. Each chocolate parti will vary in pattern. They have green eyes (that sometimes turn to caramel), brown pads, and a brown nose.

Black & White Parti
AKC color code: 007
Parti: 038
Black & White Parti Schnauzers are born with white bodies and have black spots or patches. Every parti will vary in pattern. They have brown eyes, black pads, and a black nose.
Creamy Wheaten/Wheaten Sable/Red
AKC color code: 224

Rare Creamy Wheatens
Creamy Wheatens can be born in a variety of shades and either have a black base or a brown base. They usually fade out to look more white, at a young age.

Rare Wheaten Sable
Wheaten Sable's can be born in a variety of shades. They typically have a dark mask on their faces and a peppered look on their coats. Wheaten sables usually fade out to look more ivory or white. They can have a black base or a brown base.

Rare Red Miniature Schnauzer
Reds can be born in a variety of shades, from dark red to a lighter red which looks more of a peach in color. A true Red Schnauzer will keep their color and not fade to white. They can have either a black or brown base.

Rare Creamy Wheaten Parti
Creamy Wheaten Parti's can be born in a variety of shades, and they can either have a black base or a brown base. They usually fade out to look more white, at a young age.
Merle Miniature Schnauzers
The Merle gene lightens the base coat of any color that the dog already is, so it can be a combination of colors.

Chocolate Merle Miniature Schnauzer
The Chocolate Merle Miniature Schnauzers are born Chocolate and when the merle gene is present it lightens their coats and gives them the merle look. The Merle Miniature Schnauzers will have green/blue eyes and a brown base.